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We want to do what is right

At WWF-Malaysia people are at the heart of what we do. Upholding respect for, and ensuring the safety and rights of employees, partners and communities we work with, is core to our organisation. WWF-Malaysia is committed to a “Speak Up” culture which allows people to safely raise concerns of inappropriate conduct or complaints related to projects without fear of reprisals.

Inappropriate conduct

Inappropriate conduct, or misconduct, includes a wide range of personal actions or behaviours at the workplace or in performing duties by employees of WWF-Malaysia, its partners and people associated with WWF-Malaysia. These include but are not limited to: discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, intimidation, verbal or physical assault, child abuse, abuse of power, theft, fraud, corruption including bribery, breach of personal data privacy and confidentiality, or other breaches of internal policy which create legal, financial or reputational risks to WWF-Malaysia, including negligence or lack of action by management which encourages such conduct.

Project complaints

A project complaint refers to any negative impact on an individual or group within a community due to a failure on the part of WWF-Malaysia or its implementing partner to follow its Statements of Principles and Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework in the design or implementation of a WWF-Malaysia project activity. These include issues related to human rights, indigenous rights, gender equity and representation, economic well-being and community livelihoods.WWF-Malaysia’s Complaints Resolution Mechanism (CRM) is a formal channel to receive and respond to complaints or concerns raised by community stakeholders as a result of WWF-Malaysia’s actions or omissions.

Submitting a complaint

To facilitate the evaluation and investigation into the concerns raised, the complaint should provide as much essential information as possible. Where possible, the complaint should also include the contact details of the person making the complaint (in case additional information is required).

Complainants are encouraged to reach out to local senior staff directly. However, should  there be a preference to communicate your concerns in a more confidential manner, WWF-Malaysia offers a variety of channels as follows:

1. If your complaint is related to fundraising, please send your email to kawan@wwf.org.my  

2. For issues related to general inappropriate conduct, contact WWF-Malaysia’s People and Culture Department by completing this form.

3. In the event the issue is related to the People and Culture Department or the Senior Management team, including Executive Director/CEO, you may raise your concerns by completing this form which will be reviewed by the Chair of our Audit Committee.

4. For issues related to WWF-Malaysia’s projects, you may contact the Complaints Focal Point by:

  • Emailing : my.projectcomplaint@wwf.org.my
  • Calling the WWF-Malaysia office at +603 7450 3773
  • Sending a letter to WWF-Malaysia, 1 Jalan PJS 5/28A, Petaling Jaya Commercial Centre, Petaling Jaya, 46150 Selangor, Malaysia

5. If you prefer to communicate your concerns directly to WWF International, please visit: report.whistleb.com/en/wwf

Duty of care

WWF-Malaysia has a duty of care to protect victims from further abuse, including quickly making available a skilled “first responder” who can provide victims the care and support they need.
WWF-Malaysia also has a duty of care to reporters – from retaliation (see below) – as well as to accused parties, who have a right to an impartial investigation, confidentiality of information raised, and fair treatment.

Hence, WWF-Malaysia advises and urges the complainants to report the inappropriate conduct of any WWF-Malaysia staff, partners or any party associated with WWF-Malaysia’s work to WWF-Malaysia first so that WWF-Malaysia can remedy any wrongdoings and institute the appropriate controls.

No retaliation

WWF-Malaysia strongly disapproves of any form of retaliation against anyone who reports concerns of misconduct in good faith. Any employee who engages in retaliation – whether toward a victim or a reporter of alleged misconduct, will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Anyone who subsequently believes they have been subjected to retaliation should immediately report it through the channels herein. Reports of retaliation will be investigated promptly in a manner intended to protect confidentiality as much as practicable, consistent with a full and fair investigation.