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Rajang Basin Freshwater Protection Landscape
© Mazidi Abd Ghani / WWF-Malaysia
Mangrove and Marine Mammals Conservation in Rajang-Belawai-Paloh Delta and Coasts

The mangrove complex in Rajang-Belawai-Paloh at 93,852 hectares is the largest in Sarawak and accounts for  58% of the total mangrove area. The delta and coasts are important habitats for Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) and finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides). Since 2017, together with our Marine Programme, the project aims to: 

  • Rehabilitate and conserve degraded mangroves, which are key habitats for the Irrawaddy dolphins, other wildlife, and fisheries for communities' livelihood. 
  • Reduce the threats of marine mammal incidental catch.

Sustainable Pepper Project in Song-Katibas

This project promotes the production of sustainable pepper in Ulu Katibas, Song, a pilot in collaboration with the Malaysian Pepper Board and the longhouse communities of Rumah Dagum from Nanga Makut and Rumah Peter from Nanga Nging. This project started in 2018, aims at empowering the communities into adopting a sustainable agriculture approach that has minimal impacts on the environment while providing a higher yield and improving community livelihoods. This will then lead to greater forest stewardship by the communities, prevent further forest conversion and reduce environmental degradation.

Baleh Wildlife Corridor

The forested landscapes, approximately 239,233 hectares, between the proposed Hose Laga National Park and Baleh National Park in Sarawak, and onwards to Kayan Mentarang National Park in Kalimantan, Indonesia are regarded as important corridors for wildlife. In collaboration with the Forest Department Sarawak, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, University of Montana, and Sarawak Energy Berhad, camera trap surveys were carried out since 2020 to collect information on species diversity, distribution and population size for the conservation of wildlife habitat. This information will be used for management recommendations for the area for wildlife conservation.